Learn the Secrets to winning Big at the Roulette table.

123 Turbo Street Roulette System

This Roulette System requires that you record the results from 12 spins. This is easy to do in a land based casino as you can watch the game, record the results and then step up to the table when you are ready to play. At an online casino you will be required to place a wager for these spins. Place a table minimum wager on an even money bet like Red or Black, Odd or Even and record the resulting numbers.

While you are recording your numbers keep track of which streets have not hit in these twelve spins. The street(s) that do not hit are called sleepers and these are the numbers that we are looking for. Once you have the sleeper(s) determined wait for one of the sleeper numbers to hit and then place your wagers on all the sleepers in that street.

So for example let us assume that non of the numbers in the 3rd street (7, 8, or 9) hit during the twelve initial spins. So we know that these numbers are sleepers and that we will need one of these numbers to hit before we place a wager. A few spins later the 8 hits so we place a betting unit on the 7, 8, and 9. You may be playing a number of streets at this point as there may be more than one street of sleepers. When a number wins we remove all the numbers on that street from future wagers.

You continue to place wagers until there is only one street remaining at which point you remove you wagers, end the session and start a new session with another 12 spins.

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