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Anti-Sleeper Street Roulette System

The Anti-Sleeper Street System is one that requires a little effort of front for potential big rewards. To start you will need to record the results of 37 or 38 spins, this is best accomplished using a table layout card, which you can find here European layout American layout

Once you have recorded your numbers you will need to identify the numbers that did not show during your recording period. With the non showing numbers identified you will place your wagers on the numbers in the same street as the number(s) that did not so. For example if after 38 spins one of the numbers that did not show was 2, you would place wagers on 1 and 3 as they are on the same street as 2.

Using this system we will be playing the hot numbers only on streets that have sleepers on them but now playing the sleepers. This last point is important to remember when using this system.

Since there is no natural exit to this system you will want to keep track of your bankroll and exit the game when you are hopefully on a positive swing.

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