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Pivot Roulette System

The Pivot Roulette System rely on the fact that more often than not in a set number of spins certain number will repeat more often than others. For example in 36 spins you are more than likely going to see only 24 numbers and not the full 36 numbers. Knowing this is the basis for the Pivot System.

To start the Pivot system you will need to record the results from a number of spins until you get a number that repeats. Once you have your repeat number (called the Pivot) you place your wager on that number. This wager will stay on the Pivot until it wins or you have played 36 spins.

Since a wager on a single number play 35 to 1 the earlier the Pivot number hits the more money you will make. Should the Pivot number hit on the last spin you will break even.

Once you have a winner or have played 36 spins on the Pivot number it is time to place a new wager on a new Pivot number. Again we will record a number of spins to determine a new Pivot number by identifying a number that repeats.

This system relies on the theory of uneven distribution which states that during a short trial not all numbers will be hit even with Randomly generated numbers like on a Roulette wheel. As always, make sure this system is right for you and best of luck.

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