Learn the Secrets to winning Big at the Roulette table.

Shower Roulette System

The Shower Roulette system works on tracking the results of a number of wheels and finding a group of numbers that have repeated but are constrained by numbers that have not repeated. This system has 10 simple steps to follow.

  1. Find a location on the casino floor where you can comfortably record the results of 4 Roulette tables for 60 spins at each table. Record your results on a Roulette Scorecard which you can print out.
  2. When you can recorded 60 spins you will need to quickly identify the table at which you will play. To do this you will need to identify which tables have had a group of 4 numbers repeat at least twice. Not only do the 4 numbers have to be grouped but they must be bordered on ether end by numbers that have come out once. For example let's assume that we have a group of 4 numbers that have repeated twice on one of our tables. The numbers in this case are 16, 17, 18, and 19. Now we can use these numbers if 15 and 20 have hit once in the 60 spins. If 15 or 20 have not hit once than our group of 4 numbers can not be used for this system.
  3. Your groups might not be limited to 4 numbers, you could have groups that have 5, 6, 7 or even 8 or more numbers in them.
  4. Each group of 4 or 5 numbers must contain a single number that has hit 3 times. A group with 6 or 7 numbers must have 3 numbers that have hit 3 times. 8 or 9 numbered groups must contain 4 numbers that have hit at least 3 times.
  5. Another thing to watch out for is a table which has more than 2 qualifying groups. Do not play a table that has more than 2 qualifying groups.

  6. Now that you know how to identify the table you will be playing at it is time to learn how to play this system.

  7. With this system you will be placing single unit wagers on each of the numbers in your identified group. So in our example group above we would be placing straight up wagers on the numbers 16, 17, 18, and 19.
  8. Do not exceed 30 spins when you have active wagers on the table when using this system. Limiting your session to 30 spins limits the losses should the wheel develop a bad run.
  9. If you set your units to $5 you will need $500 in your bankroll and $500 in a backup bankroll. For $2 units you will need a $200 bankroll and $200 backup bankroll. The backup is there just in case you start and the wheel takes a bad run. The backup bankroll will allow you to continue to play and recover your losses.
  10. Each time you double your bankroll you will double your betting unit. This means if you started with a $2 unit and a $400 bankroll, when your bankroll reaches $400 your betting unit becomes $4.
    When your bankroll reaches $3,000 or more you will cap your betting unit at $30. If your bankroll falls back below $2,500 reduce your wagers to $20.
  11. Be very careful extending a session beyond 30 spins. It is tempting to extend a winning session but you risk hitting a bad run. Start a new session and remember your bankroll is bigger now so your units should be as well.
Have fun and make sure this system is right for you.

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