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3 Streets Roulette System

The 3 Streets Roulette system is a very easy system to learn and play. The easier a system is to play the greater the chance of you implementing the system properly which is very important. If you cannot use a system properly because it is so complicated it isn't worth using because unless used properly no system is going to work.

You will notice that the numbers on a Roulette table are broken down into 3 sections. In fact you can wager on these sections if you wish. These sections are referred to as 1st 12, 2nd 12, and 3rd 12. The 3 Streets Roulette System will use these sections but not the betting options.

You need only one spin to start this system. The only rule to keep in mind is that you will not have more than one street in action in any given section. This means you will have a maximum of 3 street wagers in action at any one time, 1 street in the 1st 12, 1 in the 2nd 12 and 1 in the 3rd 12.

To start wait for a spin and note which street the resulting number is in and place a bet on that number. At an online casino you will need to make one even numbered wager (I like to place a wager on Red). Let's say the resulting number was 9, you will then place a wager on the 3rd street which is in the 1st 12. Our next spin results in a 33 which is in the 3rd 12. Since we do not have an active street in that section we place a wager on the 11th street. Our third spin results in a double zero (00) so we do nothing and continue with our wagers on the 3rd and 11th streets. Spin four was a zero (0) and like the double zero (00) we change nothing and continue with our wagers. Our next spin is an 18 and since we have no streets active in the 2nd 12 we place a unit on 6th street.

Now we have 3 active street wagers, one in each section. Things will change a little bit with spins from here on out. Our next spin is a 35 which is located in the 3rd 12 on 12th street. Since we have an active street in the 3rd 12 already we cannot place a wager on 12th street. Instead we will place a second unit on 11th street. In this example we happened to get three numbers in different sections very quickly so we haven't seen this part of the system yet. At any point that you have a active street in a section and another number on in that section hits you add one unit to your active wager in that section. So right now we have one unit on 3rd street, one unit on 6th street and 2 units on 11th street. Our next spin is a 31 which is on 11th street so we have a winner.

Once we have a winner you remove from each street the number of units on the winning street. In this example 11th street had 2 units so we would remove 2 units from each street wager. Since our other street wagers are only 1 unit all our wager are removed and we start the system over again with a fresh spin.

If in this example the winning number was on the 3rd street we would remove 1 unit from each active street wager. This mean that 3rd street and 6th street wagers would be removed from the table and the 11th street wager would be reduced by one, from two units to one unit. This would leave only one active street wager of one unit on the 11th street and you would continue the system as normal adding streets or units as required.

The act of reducing the wagers on non winning streets reduces the losses on non-productive streets and maximizes your winnings.

As you can see the 3 Street Roulette System is very easy to use and is quite fun. Why give this system a practice run at GoCasino.com and see if it will work for you.

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