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5 Spin Roulette System

The problem with a number of Roulette Systems is that they are aggressive progressions and often use wagers that are seldom hit. What this means for the users of these systems is that they can end up in trouble very quickly. There are two outcomes when using a Progression system, the first is that your bankroll will be depleted in a few spins. The whole point of using a Roulette System is to at least maximize the amount of time you spend at the table and earn comps ideally a system should make you money. The second problem is that you can quickly hit the table maximum meaning that you cannot recover your losses on a single spin which is what most Progression systems promise.

This is where the 5 Spin Progression is different from other Progression Systems. With the 5 spins Progression you will be playing 5 numbers. Increase your wagers on those five numbers by one unit after 5 spins without a win and lastly decrease all your wagers by one unit after any win. The session comes to a natural end when you only have one unit wagers remaining on the table and you win, thus removing one unit from each wager leaving no wagers on the table.

To work this system properly we will need to place our wagers on five numbers that are sleepers. In case you are un familiar with the term 'sleepers' a sleeper is a number that has not been hit in a number of spins. Since we want 5 sleepers this system will require a number of pre-spins and record leaping of hit numbers before we begin. In online roulette you will need to place a wager to get the numbers so betting on a even money wager is the best bet.

Once you have your five sleepers place a single unit on each number and wait for the spin. Remember that you do not add a unit to each number until you have lost 5 spins in a row. If you don't follow this part you will quickly reach the table maximum. When you win will remove one unit from each number and watch the spin You will follow this pattern of adding a single unit for every 5 losses and removing one unit every win until you have either won enough times that you end up removing all your wagers naturally ending the session or you decide that it's time to end the session.

Now you may think that even with waiting 5 spins before adding a betting unit to your numbers you will still reach the table maximum or deplete your bankroll. It is certainly possible that these situations will happen, no system is perfect, however you are much more likely to win after 5 losing spins than you are to go on losing.

Once you have ended the session by either deciding to end it or you remove your last wager from the table because of winning you will need to find a new set of sleepers. Keeping track of the results while you are playing will prevent you from having to wait until you determine your new sleepers.

Even though this system is simple and easy to understand make sure that you are comfortable with it before you head to the casino to try it out.

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